Emily Plotkin
When it comes to the person who most embodies the spirit and message of Personal Best Fitness, there is no greater example than Emily Plotkin. Emily never misses her workouts 3x per week with PBF. She also makes sure to do a little something beyond her workouts everyday. Be it with Personal Best, or her own running, cycling, swimming, triathlons, marathons, yoga… she makes health and fitness a priority. As her health and fitness can attest, putting her health at the top of the list has served her well over the 18 years she and her husband have been with Personal Best Fitness. Yes… she and her husband were THE FIRST clients of Personal Best when Christopher hung out his shingle in 2003.
Did I mention that Emily is also a successful full-time attorney, a wonderful mother of two busy boys (11 & 9 years old) and also trains horses weekly? She is the model of consistency, hard work, drive and focus. She stays dedicated to taking care of herself so that she may take care of those she loves to the best of her abilities. Congratulations Emily, and thank you for being a shining example of a life well lived!