Nutrition advice during the COVID-19 pandemic
10 Steps you can take today to stay healthy
From Heidi Olson M.S., R.D., L.D.N – Registered Dietitian
- Be sure to eat dark leafy greens for antioxidants. (*Antioxidants get rid of cell damaging biproducts)
- Don’t skip the FRUIT- especially focus on berries for antioxidants
- WASH fruits and veggies well- There are even many non-toxic fruit and vege washes that can be found in any Grocery or Target produce aisle.
- Get enough SLEEP- your body has a hard time fighting off germs when it’s exhausted.
- HYDRATE! This helps flush out your system and keeps it running smoothly to help fight off any bad germs
- Try add-ins to smoothies like spinach, kale, avocado, chia seeds, or flax seeds for extra antioxidants
- Don’t skip meals- your body needs the energy to function at its best!
- Don’t overdo vitamin and mineral supplements- these are intended to help fill nutritional gaps when someone can’t eat an adequate, wholesome diet. The best way to boost your immune system is to eat your fruits and veggies. you’ll get all of those vitamins and minerals from a source your body prefers!
- Try to avoid eating with your hands and use clean dish ware when serving food- use utensils or wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before handling food
- Be cautious when sharing food at home or at restaurants- don’t double dip when eating that irresistible salsa at Mexican restaurants; be courteous in a buffet style setting and don’t touch every cupcake or chip when serving yourself!
Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious diseases, Presidential Chair in Public Health and Medical Professor at University of Minnesota says the best thing we can do to stay proactively healthy as a community is keep our body healthy.
- Exercise
- Sound Nutrition
- Get enough Sleep
- Wash hands regularly