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Priyanka V.

This Month we celebrate Priyanka’s success! While working insane hours at a demanding career she was looking for a positive outlet.

She started at Personal Best Fitness in September with a goal to feel better and have more energy, and just 12 weeks later, she had dropped 8.5% body fat, and gained 2 pounds muscle. She had a 380% improvement in her cardio VO2 and went from being able to do only 6 pushups from her knees to 10 pushups from her toes!

She has stayed so consistent and dedicated for these first 12 weeks that we can’t wait to see her success in the next 12 weeks! All this has given her the confidence to follow her dream and pursue her modeling career. The best part is that she is always smiling and laughing when she is here, and brings such positive energy and joy to everyone here.

Congratulations Priyanka and thank you for being a great example of hard work and dedication.