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The Pets of Zoom

Ms. Kitty is helping by licking faces

When you get down onto the floor, we all know your pet is convinced! that there would be no other reason to get down there it if wasn’t to entertain and love on them. Any kind of vigorous or high energy movement is surely a sign that it is time to play….And if there is no other physical presence in the room, their owner MUST SURELY be talking with them… and not someone on a tablet, phone or device, because that would be crazy.

During the Covid Quarantine Personal Best Fitness had to pivot our business to train many of our clients via FaceTime, Zoom, Skype or other Online service. One of the unintended joys of the pandemic has been seeing the Pets engage, and dare I say, look forward to the increased time their owners sit, lay and exercise on the floor and I believe our furry friends look forward to being a part of it.

Chickasaw is supervising while doing his impression of a lamp

They know excitable barking is very helpful during burpees, and of course executing some crunches or planks is much easier if your face is being licked. Cats have a knack for sitting directly on the machine you need to use to give it a proper warm up… and Purring will give you the perfect ambiance for your cool down Savasana.  

TacoCat and Shadow never miss a workout

If you’d like to try a Zoom or Facetime workout sometime in your own home just let us know! Pets are a welcome addition to our routine and actually make our exercise a little more tolerable. CLICK HERE