Jeannie Williams

Jeannie is a fighter. Jeannie started training with her trainer Brandon in 2017 after winning her battle with cancer. Jeannie was referred through our partner Survivor Fitness Foundation which provides personal training and nutrition guidance after cancer.
In addition to beating cancer, Jeannie has had a total of 3 knee replacements. i know I know… But Brandon, people only have 2 knees so how can she have had 3 knee replacements? After 2 failed knee replacements on her right knee, the 3rd attempt was the charm!
Jeannie is consistent with her 2 workouts per week, walking 3-4 times a week and doing a dedicated stretching session 3-4x per week. She is an inspiration and we are so proud of how hard she works. if you ever need someone to brighten your day and bring a smile to your face, show up at the gym during her workout. I promise you will better off for it. We love you Jeannie!!